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"Alyse is my Magic Mary Poppins!"

A Salt Lake City Police Lieutenant recently expressed his resistance to home staging when selling his house.  He thought Alyse was giving him bad advice because it was nothing like he expected.  Alyse magically convinced this Officer to make all the changes and the house sold right away above asking with multiple bids.  He now calls her his "Magic Mary Poppins!"

There is no Realtor in Utah that does what Alyse does.  There is no interior designer in Utah that does what Alyse does.  Alyse prepares your home to sell quickly for top dollar.  The key is getting potential buyers to psychologically bond with your home and envision their belongings and life style in each of the spaces.  Alyse knows which spaces people bond with and how to touch raw nerves to trigger emotional reactions.  At times it may be a sparsely decorated bedroom and other times it may be flowers in the laundry room.  Different rooms trigger different emotions and the staging needs to reinforce those feelings.

Home preparation and staging is more like clothing design than interior design.  You want to understand the body type and current trends, while accentuating your strong points and minimizing your weak points.  The design principles in Alyse's staging draws attention to some areas while diverting attention in others.

The psychology in Alyse's work causes buyers to do whatever it takes to get your home.  This work is so good, that Alyse wants to buy every home she stages!

Alyse is truly the Magic Mary Poppins!

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